We must know our priorities! It is impossible to build the church effectively without understanding our God-given priorities. All children of God are divinely gifted to serve in the body of Christ. All believers are called of God to work while it is day as the scripture declares. These are biblical concepts, but many centuries of distortion have blinded too many believers to these truths. We, the people of God, must develop a biblical understanding of the call to ministry.
1. MINISTERIAL BOARD - Elders and Evangelists
2. DEACONS BOARD - The Deacon's Ministry assists the Pastor by being spiritual leaders of the Church. They assist in the conduct of the worship services, the spiritual affairs of the church, visit and minister to members and help care for the physical properties of the Church.
3. USHERS BOARD - This is a vital ministry of our church as we attempt to reach people. To greet all members and visitors as they enter. To assist any members or visitors who might need help with their children, wheelchairs, finding classrooms, etc. To assist members and visitors in finding seats. To collect Prayer Request and Visitor Cards. The Usher Board coordinates communion and regular and special services related to church events.
4. MOTHERS BOARD - Mothers are the supporters and nurturers of the family, church, and community and possess indispensable wisdom. Great matriarchs displaying maternal strength, mature years, confidence in their roles and are very supportive of the ministry. Some objectives are to: uphold Christ's teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote its wider understanding; to encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the Church; to maintain a wholesome Christian walk through prayer, worship and service; to promote conditions in society favorable to stable family life and the protection of children; to help those whose family life has met with adversity.
5. AMBASSADORS OF GOOD WILL MINISTRY - Our mission is to improve the quality of life of individuals with disadvantages and other special needs. This ministry helps to serve the needs of the community through the principles of sharing, cooperation, practical brotherhood, and right relationships, with special concentrations on the following: Clothes Bank - Has made available various sorts of clothing items for those in need. Food Bank - This ministry is designed to provide good, healthy food to those in the Church and the community who are in need.
S.H.A.R.E. - Self Help and Resource Exchange Provides, monthly, a very wholesome supply of food.
6. ATHLETIC MINISTRY - The mission of the athletic ministry is to be a vessel of spiritual growth and physical development through athletics. Teamwork and camaraderie are learned, developed and enhanced. Includes: basketball, football, etc. Aerobics - an exercise program.
7. AUDIO & MEDIA MINISTRY - Responsible for engineering -- all sound effects and tape catalog. Includes the telecasts for "The Hour of Faith", Power and Deliverance and T.A.M.E. (Talk About Medical Experiences).
8. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY - A ministry offering support to those dealing with life circumstances such as death, dying, and grief.
9. BUS MINISTRY - Transportation ministry for services. Also, arranges transportation for special events and elderly in designated areas.
10. COMPUTER MINISTRY - A ministry that seeks to enhance the ministry of the Church and its members(individually) by using the gifts and talents of the members of the congregation who are in the computer industry.
11. COUPLES MINISTRY - God's guidelines for marriage, personal and family devotions, spouse and family communications, time alone, time together, learning to listen, household and personal financial management, family time priority setting, recreation, Christian sexuality, empty nest syndrome, in-law relationships and other subjects.
12. DANCE MINISTRY - A group of dedicated young dancers who wish to use their talents in praise of, and to the glory of GOD, with a lyrical dance form using the gifts given them by the LORD to HIS honor and glory. A unique ministry that touches lives through worship performances. Worship and praise God through the basics of classical dance, signing, props & mime techniques. Psalm 149:3 - "Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. 149:4 For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation." Psalm 150:4 - "Praise him with the timbrel and dance."
13. DEAF MINISTRY - The goal of the deaf ministry is to provide the deaf community a place and a way to worship and grow in the Lord. The deaf will be able to receive spirit-filled messages through sign language interpreters. The objective is to have all classes, workshops, and dramas, etc. interpreted. Any time a function is taking place in or outside the church we have an interpreter available.
14. DRAMA MINISTRY - A ministry in every sense of the word. It seeks to ministry God's word to the Church and the community through the gifted interpretation and presentation of scriptural based plays and skits. Their productions work to bring to light the reality of the Christian life by dealing with every issue that Christians face and see in the world on a daily basis. These are issues such as AIDS, dating, evangelizing, gang violence, marital and family problems as well as the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. The ministry works on its own as well as in conjunction with other ministries to fulfill God's purpose.
15. EDUCATION - Faith Tabernacle Bible Institute - Designed to function as a continuing resource for Christian development and education, with its foundation firmly rooted in the Word of God the Bible. The instructors are dedicated to the task of sharing with you the precious gems of the Word that have come by way of revelation.
Sunday School - Sunday School is the primary ministry of the local Church for the systematic teaching of the Bible to all ages. Its main purpose is to make disciples of people of all ages through the regular, systematic teaching of God's Word. Those who have been discipled should then disciple others. The three-fold mission of Sunday School is Reaching (Evangelism), Teaching (Growth), and Equipping (Mobilizing) people for ministry.
16. EMPLOYMENT NETWORK MINISTRY - The Employment Network is primarily designed to empower the members by offering unemployed and under employed people skills, training and employment. Employment Network is responsible for such things as: how to write a resume, how to interview with decision-makers and how to dress for an interview. Other considerations: putting on job fairs, seminars and training courses that help those looking for employment enhance themselves
17. ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTRY - A very vital and necessary ministry consisting of special members that helps to ensure a pleasant atmosphere and welcome inspiration through the upkeep and maintenance of the church property and grounds.
18. GREETERS MINISTRY - Work closely with church guests. Must have pleasing personality and a gift to work with and meet people.
19. HEDGES AND HIGHWAYS OUTREACH - A street ministry witnessing to win lost souls into the Kingdom of God. At Risk Persons Hedges and Highways has a special focus on working with individuals (mostly youth) at risk. Homeless - Ministers to the spiritual and physical needs of the homeless.
20. HIV/AIDS MINISTRY - Provides a spiritual and humanitarian response to persons living with HIV/AIDS, to their families, partners, friends and care givers. Affiliated with R.I.G.H.T. Residing in Group Homes Together (an HIV housing initiative). This unique ministry offers a supportive attitude toward individuals and families who are affected by HIV/AIDS and creates an atmosphere in which people affected by AIDS may feel confident to share their lives and experiences with fellow believers and approach the Church with their spiritual, pastoral and social needs.
21. MEN'S MINISTRY - Targeting men's issues. Should reach out to all men in their church, should be motivated "to offer Christ" to the unsaved and to make disciples of all men. To provide masculine Christian fellowship. Fathering skills, grand-fathering skills, sexuality, health, understanding the opposite sex, role in the family, communication, role in the community, role in the church, stress, leisure time planning, and other areas associated with men's lives.
Man to Man - an outreach by designated brothers to encourage unsaved husbands to attend church and to form a relationship with Jesus Christ.
22. MUSIC MINISTRY - The music ministry promotes a spirit of inspiration by exercising God-given talents to the glory of God and the edification of the saints. Ministry through music should contribute toward a deeper commitment and walk with God. Participants should inspire, nurture and serve.
23. NEW MEMBERS CLASS - Classes are held to instruct and encourage new members to participate worthily as workers in the church and to develop a strong relationship with Christ to enhance their spiritual growth. New members are taught basic Christian principles.
24. NEWSLETTER MINISTRY - A quarterly publication. Proclaims the Good News of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Presents a Christian perspective on issues facing the body of Christ today.
25. NURSES MINISTRY - Pastoral Nurses - Specifically selected to assist the Pastor.
Nurses Guild - Nurses are on duty at every service to offer assistance in health related emergencies.
26. PASTOR'S AIDE MINISTRY - The Pastor's Aid ministry lovingly serves our Pastor through prayers, financial support and encouraging words and deeds. Its mission is to edify the shepherd which God has placed over the church. This ministry teaches the biblical principles of loving and caring for the Pastor as God has instructed His church to do.
27. PRAYER WARRIOR COUNCIL - The Prayer Warrior Council undergirds the church in prayer and ministers salvation to those who have made a decision to give their lives to Christ. Are commissioned to fasting and prayer.
28. PRISON MINISTRY - The Prison Ministry shares God's love with the imprisoned. Concerned with their spiritual condition, this ministry serves to minister hope, salvation and abundant life through Jesus Christ to inmates, The different components of the Prison Ministry include evangelism, correspondence, counseling, bible study and mentoring. Pen pals are solicited to write members monthly.
29. SECURITY MINISTRY - A very necessary ministry offering security for the general welfare and well-being of the attendees and personal and church properties.
30. SENIOR CITIZENS MINISTRY - An assistance program sensitive to the golden years and offering help to seniors in transportation and other special needs. Seniors offer a lot of God-given wisdom to key decisions impacting the ministry in various ways. Seniors should be examples to the younger men and women of the church and strong source of support to the Pastor. Seniors have paid their dues and now is their time to enjoy life. Scripture: Psalm37:25 "I have been young, and now I am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread."
31. SINGLES MINISTRY - Targets single, widowed, divorced and single parent households. Subjects: Christian dating, marriage, personality styles, sexuality, and recreation, career development, communication, singles role in community and other issues. The aim is to help singles cope with the everyday occurrences and crises that are unique to them according to the gospel. Singles given the understanding of their place in the kingdom and power within Christ. Fellowships and other Bible based activities are structured around the needs of the group. Activities might include Friday Night Happy Hour, Singles Retreats, Singles Conferences. The Single's Ministry is geared towards meeting the needs of the many singles. This ministry proactively addresses the issues that pertain specifically to Christian singles such as serving the Body of Christ, celibacy, preparation for marriage, self-security, being alone verses being lonely, single parenting.
32. SUBSTANCE ABUSE MINISTRY - The purpose of the Substance Abuse Ministry is to save the souls of individuals who have fallen captive to the world of darkness through the use of drugs and alcohol and can no longer see and understand the truth.
33. TUTORIAL MINISTRY - This ministry is a service and outreach that offers a place for children of all ages to get assistance in designated areas of their school work to enhance academic performance.
34. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Vacation Bible School is a compact, seasonal ministry geared to various age levels. It is designed to teach God's Word, evangelize, provide fellowship and offer recreational and educational activities for the youth.
35. VIDEO MINISTRY - Services available from Johnson Video. Available for all church events -- weddings, christenings, baptisms, conventions, graduations, etc.
36. YOUTH MINISTRY - The goal of the youth ministry is (I) to develop a Christ-centered life in each of its members, (II) to develop leaders to carry the torch to future generations, and (III) to motivate our youth to a commitment to Christ and ministry to others.