More than 94,000 people are waiting for the gift of life. Each day, about 77 people receive organ transplants. However, 19 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place because of the shortage of donated organs.
Out of this heart-wrenching experience was birthed T.A.M.E.- Talk About Medical Experiences ( T.A.M.E. is a nonprofit organization that advocates and publicly targets medical errors, discrimination, and abuse in the medical care delivery system, to the extent that recipients and former recipients of medical care may need assistance to support and protect their rights. T.A.M.E.'s fundamental mission is to help empower people who have been the victims of medical errors/experiences so that they may learn to independently exercise their rights.
If you are interested in contributing to the Foundation's scholarship fund, please make all donations payable to The Joe Arthur Talbert, Jr. Foundation, and forward your donation to c/o Faith Tabernacle of Prayer, 2465 Alabama Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20020.
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